
时间:2024-08-15 23:33:13




  Today is teachers' day, I and several classmates bought things, agreed on the school playground set. The sky of that evening was not good, can students came also, really rare.

  We went to the teacher home, brought a little mischief, we knocked on the teacher's door, put a gift box on the door, then hid behind the door. The teacher opened the door, she opened the gift box, inside out the article is very colorful. We are pleased to say to the teacher: "a happy holiday!"

  Teacher enthusiasm to entertain us, put a lot of good in front of us. We strived to rob, I took a piece of chocolate outside it took nothing. After eating to play, chat, watch TV, some jumping rope. The teacher to see us at home and it's no fun, so ask the monitor to where to play, "candle pavilion" monitor happily say.

  By candlelight pavilion, the candles, make a vow in, some in a cup of tea, and some in embroidery and so on, candlelight pavilion is a very romantic place, it's near my home. Wishing on a candle. Can also bring your friend ` family name embroidered in the flower, wish them in peace, everything goes well, it's not, I embroidered a to the teacher? After a while, the teacher took us to open happy again, that would be a good place, where we can enjoy playing, can play while learn!

  How time flies! Then suddenly to 11 o 'clock, our courage and teacher said goodbye, and went away. This day is my most happy day! The article "teacher's day carnival" excellent "first-year composition collected by the dictionary," is derived from the Internet and contribute members, only for reference and learning, reprint please indicate the source.




  老师热情的.招待我们,把很多好吃的放在我们面前。我们争先恐后的抢起来,我拿了一块巧克粒以外就什么也没拿了。 吃玩东西后,有的聊天,有的看电视,有的跳绳。老师看我们在家里没什么好玩的,所以问班长想去哪儿玩,“烛光亭”班长高兴的说。

  到了烛光亭,有的在点蜡烛,有的在许愿,有的在喝茶,有的在绣花等等,烛光亭是个很浪漫的地方,它就在我家旁。可以对着蜡烛许愿。也可以把你的朋友`家人等的名字绣在花里,祝他们平平安安,万事如意,这不,我就绣了一个给老师吗。     一会儿后,老师又带我们去了开乐地,那也是个不错的地方,我们可以在那里尽情的玩,还可以一边玩一边学呢!

  时间过得真快啊!一转眼就到11点了,我们依依不舍的和老师说了声再见,就走了。这一天是我最开心的一天! 《教师节狂欢》这篇优秀的“一年级作文”由查字典收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。

